I've added a little tool menu and a scrolling wheel of blocks types that come out when you switch to editing mode.
In-Game Menu
I've just started adding an in-game menu. Making the state-machine was surprisingly easy to pull out with the architecture of the game engine. It should be pretty smooth sailing from here to allow me to reuse code while still keeping the gameplay and editor separate.
Debug Drawing Lines
Started messing around with a visualization for debugging some lighting bugs. Hopefully this will help some.
Sparse Chunk Storage
We've got a system set up now so we can store the chunks in a hash table. This, along with a lot of other modifications, allows us to add chunks easily while maintaining a quick look up of the chunk from it's position information. Also we've added the ability to raycast "into" the rooms so it's easier to edit
Custom Textures
We've spent the first bit of time sketching out and trying our hand at making some custom textures of our own. I can't say all of them are great or look good together but it was surprisingly fun and successful.
Oriented Crystal Formations
We've got the crystals so they can be jutting out from any of the 6 faces. I might also add 2 mutation bits for 4 rotations on each face.
I've added one version of crystals. There's still some texturing stuff I want to figure out but they actually don't look half bad they way they are.
Wrong Texture on Crystal OBJ Model
I'm in the process of adding crystal formations to the caves and I accidentally applied the wrong texture to model. Looks kinda cool.
Another Collision Testing Area
I've made fences and subsequently run into a lot of bugs with my collision system for the player. I've solved most of the major bugs but you can still get caught on edges between irregular blocks which will have to get fixed eventually. Not sure how to do that yet though...